Publications IN JOURNALS



- Adèle Caron-Soupart , Jean-François Fourmigué  Philippe Marty , Raphaël Couturier: Performance analysis of Thermal Energy Storage systems using Phase Change Material,

Volume 98, 5 April 2016, Pages 1286–1296, Applied Thermal Eng.


 - Nesrine Rebzani, Edith Clavel, Philippe Marty, Aurélie Morin : Numerical multiphysicsmodeling of temperature rises in gas insulated busbars, accepted April 2016, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation.


 - P. de Rango, P. Marty, D. Fruchart: Hydrogen storage systems based on magnesium hydride: fromlaboratory tests to fuel cell integration, Applied Physics A, Volume: 122, Issue: 2, Article Number: 126, , Published: FEB 2016


- M. Martinelli, A. Caron-Soupart, F. Bentivoglio, Ph. Marty, R. Couturier, J.-F. Fourmigue: Experimental study of a phase change thermal energy storage with copper foam, to appear 2016, Applied Thermal Engineering


- Simge Danaci, Lidia Protasova, Jasper Lefevere, Laurent Bedel, Richard Guilet, PhilippeMarty: Efficient CO2 methanation over Ni/Al2O3 coated structured catalysts, accepted April 2016 in Catalysis



 - Rémi Bertossi, Nadia Caney, Jean Antoine Gruss, Jean Dijon, Adeline Fournier,

Philippe Marty, Influence of Carbon Nanotubes on Deionized Water Pool Boiling Performances, Exp. Thermal and Fluid Sc., Volume 61, February 2015, Pages 187193


 - S. Nachev,  P. de Rango, N. Skryabina,  A. Skachkov, V. Aptukov, D. Fruchart, P. Marty

Mechanical behavior of highly reactive nanostructured MgH2, Int. J. Hyd. Energy, Vol. 40, Issue 47, Pages: 17065-17074, Dec. 2015



  - Charles-Victor Hémery,  Franck Pra, Jean-François Robin, Philippe Marty : Experimental performances of a battery thermal management system using a phase change material, J. of Power Sources,    Volume: 270   Pages: 349-358   Published: DEC 15 2014.


- Askri Jemni, de Rango, Marty, Nasrallah: Heat and mass transfer during hydriding : hydrogen pressure gradient effect, en preparation pour IJHE, july 2014


- Nachev S., de Rango P., Fruchart D., Skryabina N., Marty Ph.: Correlation between microstructural and mechanical behavior of nanostructured MgH2 upon hydrogen cycling, J. of Alloys and Compounds,  645 (2015) S434–S437


- P. de Rango, S. Garrier, B. Delhomme, P. Marty, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia : A new MgH2 tank concept using a Phase-Change Material to store the heat of reaction, Int. J.Hyd. Energy, Volume: 38   Issue: 23 , 2013  Pages: 9766-9771

 –  Martin LONGEON, Adèle SOUPART, Jean-Francois FOURMIGUE, Arnaud BRUCH, Philippe MARTY : Experimental and numerical study of annular PCM storage in the presence of natural convection, Applied Energy 112 (2013) 175–184.


B. Delhomme, A. Lanzini, G. A. Ortigoza-Villalba, S. Nachev, P. de Rango, M.Santarelli, Ph. Marty:  Coupling and thermal integration of a solid oxide fuel cell with a magnesium hydridetank, Int. J. Hyd. Energy, vol. 38, 4740 – 4747, 2013.


- Ph. Marty, P. de Rango, B. Delhomme, S. Garrier, Various tools for optimizing large scale magnesium storage, J. Alloys and Compounds, 580 (2013) S324–S328


- Ph  S. Nachev, P. de Rango, B. Delhomme, D. Plante, B. Zawilski, F. Longa, Ph. Marty, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia,  In-situ Dilatometry Measurements of MgH2 Compacted Disks, J. Alloys and Compounds, 580 (2013) S183–S186


- Hai Trieu PHAN , Nadia CANEY , Philippe MARTY , Stéphane COLASSON , Jérôme GAVILLET

Flow boiling of water in a microchannel: The effects of surface wettability on flow patterns and heat transfer coefficient ,Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, to appear 2012


- T. Desrues, Ph. Marty, J.-F. Fourmigue : Numerical prediction of heat transfer and pressure drop inthree-dimensional channels with alternated opposed ribs,  Applied Thermal Engineering, 45 (2012) p.52-63


- Hai Trieu PHAN, Nadia CANEY, Philippe MARTY, Stéphane COLASSON, Jérôme GAVILLET , Flow Boiling of Water on Nanocoated Surfaces in a Microchannel, J. of Heat Transfer, -- February 2012 --  Volume 134,  Issue 2, 52-63


- Baptiste Delhomme, Patricia de Rango, Philippe Marty, Maria Bacia, Bartosz Zawilski, Cecile Raufast, Salvatore Miraglia, Daniel Fruchart, Largescale magnesium hydride tank coupled with an external heat source, Int. J. of hydrogen Energy, 37 , p. 9103-9111, 2012.


Hai Trieu PHAN, R. Bertossi, Nadia CANEY, Philippe MARTY, Stéphane COLASSON, A model to predict the effect of surfacewettability on critical heat flux, Int. Com. in Heat and Mass Transfer, 39 (2012) 1500–1504.


S. Garrier, A. Chaise, P. de Rango, P. Marty, B. Delhomme, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, MgH2 intermediate scale tank tests under various experimental conditions, Int. J. Hyd. Energy.  Volume: 36   Issue: 16   Pages: 9719-9726, 2011

 - Hai Trieu PHAN, Nadia CANEY , Philippe MARTY , Stéphane COLASSON , Jérôme GAVILLET, Flow boiling of water in a microchannel: The effects of surface wettability on two-phase pressure drop, Applied Thermal Engineering,  Volume: 31,  Issue: 11-12,  Pages: 1894-1905, AUG 2011


- Hai Trieu PHAN, Nadia CANEY, Philippe MARTY, Stephane COLASSON, Jerome GAVILLET: Flow Boiling of Water on Titanium and Diamond-like carbon coated Surfaces in a Microchannel, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2, 013002 (2011)



 - PHAN, Hai Trieu; CANEY, Nadia; MARTY, Philippe; COLASSON, Stephane; GAVILLET, Jerome  Surface coating with nanofluids: The effects on pool boiling heat transfer, Nanoscale and Macroscale Thermophysical Eng. Vol.14, 229-244, 2010


 - A. Chaise, P. de Rango, Ph. Marty,  D. Fruchart, Experimental and numerical study of a magnesium hydride tank, Int. J. Hyd. Energy, 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 6311 - 6322.


- T. Desrues, Ph. Marty, J.-F. Fourmigue: A thermal energy storage process for large scale electric applications, Applied Thermal Engineering, 30 (2010) 425–432.


- Hai Trieu Phan, Nadia Caney, Philippe Marty, Stéphane Colasson, Jérôme Gavillet: A model to predict the effect of contact angle on the bubble departure diameter during heterogeneous boiling, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (2010) vol. 37, 964-969.



-  Chaise A., Marty Ph., de Rango P., Fruchart: D. A simple criterion for estimating the effect of fluid convection during hydrogen absorption , Int. J. Heat and Mass transfer, 52 (2009) 4564–4572


-  G. Momen, G. Hermosilla, A. Michau, M. Pons, M. Firdaous, Ph. Marty, K. Hassouni: Experimental and numerical investigation of the thermal effects during hydrogen charging in packed bed storage tank,  Int. J. Heat and Mass transfer, 52, 1495–1503, 2009.


- Bessaih R., Boukhari A., Marty Ph.: Magnetohydrodynamics stability of a rotating flow with heat transfer,  International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 36 (2009) 893901.

- Hai Trieu PHAN , Nadia CANEY, Philippe MARTY, Stéphane COLASSON, Jérôme GAVILLET : Surface wettability control by nanocoating: the effects on pool boiling heat transfer and nucleation mechanism, Int. J. Heat and Mass transfer 52 (2009) 5459–5471.

- A. Chaise, P. de Rango, Ph. Marty, D. Fruchart, S. Miraglia, R. Olivès, S. Garrier, Enhancement of hydrogen sorption in magnesium hydride using expanded graphite, Int. J. Hyd. Energy. 34 (2009) 8589–8596.


Hai Trieu PHAN, Nadia CANEY, Philippe MARTY, Stéphane COLASSON, Jérôme GAVILLET, How does surface wettability influence nucleate boiling ?, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, MECANIQUE, 337 (2009) 251–259.


  - Hai Trieu PHAN, Nadia CANEY, Philippe MARTY, Stéphane COLASSON, Jérôme GAVILLET, A new approach to understanding the effects of surface wettability on nucleate boiling, Mécanique & Industries,  Volume: 10   Issue: 3-4   Pages: 223-230, 2009



  - Marty Ph., Michel F., Tochon P.: Experimental and numerical study of the heat transfer along a blunt flat plate, Int. J. Heat and Mass transfer, 51, 13–23, (2008).


- Botzung M., Chaudourne S., Gillia O. , Perret Ch., Latroche M., Percheron-Guegan A., Marty Ph.: Simulation and experimental validation of a Hydrogen storage tank with Metal Hydrides, Volume 33, Issue 1, Pages 98-104, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2008.


 - A. CHAISE, Ph. MARTY, P. DE RANGO, D. FRUCHART : Numerical study of heat and mass transfer in a doped-magnesium hybride tank, Mécanique & Industries, Vol. 8,  p.247-250, 2007.

DOI: 10.1051/meca:2007045

- Vejrazka J., Marty Ph., : An Alternative Technique for the Interpretation of the Temperature Measurements using Thermochromic Liquid Crystals, Heat Transfer Eng.., Vol.28, n°2, p.154-162, 2007.


 - Nadia Caney, Alain Maréchal et Philippe Marty :  A new geometry for PEMFC fuel cells cooling,  Mécanique & Industries, Vol. 8, 6, p.545-549  2007.



– Caney N., Marty Ph., Bigot J. : Friction losses and heat transfer of single-phase flow in a mini-channel, Applied Thermal Engineering 27, 1715–1721, (2007).



– Botzung M., Chaudourne S., Perret Ch, Latroche M., Percheron-Guegan A. and Marty Ph., Development and simulation of a hydrogen storage unit using metal hydrides, Mécanique & Industries, Vol.8, p.241-246, 2007.

- Hermosilla-Lara G.,  Momen G., Marty Ph., Le Neindre B., Hassouni K.: Hydrogen storage by adsorption on activated carbon: investigation of the thermal effects during the charging process, Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy  Vol.32, p.1542-1553, 2007.


- Madrid F., Caney N., Marty P.: Study of a vertical boiling flow in rectangular mini-channels, Heat Transfer Engineering, 28 (8–9):753–760, 2007.


- De Rango P., Chaise A., Charbonnier J., Fruchart D., Jehan M., Marty P., Miraglia S., Rivoirard S., Skryabina N. : Nanostructured magnesium hydride for pilote tank development, J. of Alloys and Compounds, 446 (2007) p.52–57




 Marty Ph. , J.-F. Fourmigue, P. De Rango, D. Fruchart, J.Charbonnier : Numerical Simulation Of Heat And Mass Transfer During The Absorption Of Hydrogen In A Magnesium Hydride, Energy Conversion and Management , Vol. 47, p.3632-3643 (2006).


 Reboussin Y., Fourmigue J.F., Marty Ph., Citti O.: “,A numerical approach for the study of glass furnace regenerators”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 25, 2299–2320, 2005.

 Vejrazka J., Tihon J., Sobolik V., Marty Ph. : Effect of an external excitation on the flow structures in a circular impinging jet, Phys. Fluids, Vol.17, #10, Art. No.105102, 2005.



 Tomasino T., Marty Ph.: “Three-dimensional stability of a rotating MHD flow”, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 72, #3-4, p.135-150, 2004.

DOI: 10.1007/s00707-004-0161-7



 Bessaih R., Marty Ph., Kadja M. : « Hydrodynamics and Heat transfer in disk driven flows under axial magnetic fields », Int. J. of Transport Phenomena.,Vol.5 (#4), December 2003, p.259-278.

 Bessaih R., Kadja M., Eckert K., Marty Ph.:  Numerical and analytical study of rotating flow in an enclosed cylinder under an axial magnetic field, Acta Mechanica, 164, p. 175-188, 2003.



 Vejrazka J., Marty Ph., Sobolik V. : “Heat transfer experiments in a submerged impinging round jet using liquid crystal thermometry”, Int. J. of Heat and Technology, Vol.20,  #1, p.45-50, 2002.


 Olivas P., Marty Ph.: "Numerical study of the Coanda effect in a rotary spray paint atomiser", Atomisation and Sprays, Volume 12, p. 789-804, 2002.



 Martin Witkowski L,Marty Ph., Walker J.: "Liquid-metal flow in a finite-length cylinder with a high-frequency rotating magnetic field", J. Fluid Mech., 436, 131 – 144, 2001.  




- Allibert C., Marty Ph., Gagnoud A., Fautrelle Y. : "Estimate of the diffusion coefficient in Co based liquids", Int.J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.43, #3,  2000, p.437-445.  

- Marty Ph., Martin-Witkowski L.: Control of thermal Marangoni convection in electron beam technology, Int. J. of Thermal Sciences , 39 (2), 285-294, 2000.

Alemany A., Marty Ph., Plunian F., Soto J. : "Experimental investigation of dynamo effect in the secondary pumps of the Fast Breeder reactor Superphenix", J. of Fluid Mech., 403, 263-276, 2000.  

- Martin Witkowski L, Marty Ph., Walker J.: “Multidomain analytical-numerical solution for a rotating magnetic field with a finite-length conducting cylinder ", IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, vol 36, no 2, p.452-460,  2000.  


Publications IN JOURNALS Before 1996:

- MARTY Ph., ALEMANY A., RICOU R., VIVES Ch. : Pressure and velocity distribution around an obstacle immersed in a liquid metal subjected to electromagnetic forces, AIAA, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 84, p.402-413, 1983.

- MARTY Ph., ALEMANY A., : Ecoulement du des champs magnetique et electrique croises autour d'un cylindre de conductivite quelconque, Journal de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee, 2, #2, 1983.

- MARTY Ph., DELAGE D.: The behaviour of induction coils in the high frequency range, Journal de Physique, FASC. 1, p. 933-936, 1984.

- JOUSSELLIN F., ALEMANY A., WERKOFF F., MARTY Ph. : Critere d'auto-excitation des generateurs MHD a induction a metal liquide pour de faibles valeurs du nombre de Reynolds magnetique, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, t. 305, serie 2, pp 339-343, 1987 (Physique des Fluides).

- JOUSSELLIN F., ALEMANY A., WERKOFF F., MARTY Ph. : MHD induction generators at weak magnetic Reynolds number-Part 1 : Self-excitation criterion and efficiency, Europ. Journ. of Mech., 8, #1, pp 23-39, 1989.

-JOUSSELLIN F., MARTY Ph., ALEMANY A., WERKOFF F. : MHD induction generators at weak magnetic Reynolds number-Part 2 : Numerical modelisation and experimental study, Europ. Journ. of Mech., 8, #4, p. 327-350, 1989.

- GERBETH G., THESS A., MARTY Ph., : Theoretical study of the MHD flow around a cylinder in crossed electric an magnetic fields, Europ. Journ. of Mech., 9, #3, p.239-257, 1990.

- MARTY Ph.: Direct current power generation in Magnetohydrodynamic self-excited liquid metal generators, Magnetohydrodynamics, pp.108-114, 27, #4, 1991.

- LEBOUCHER L., MARTY Ph., ALEMANY A., MASSE Ph.: An inverse method in electromagnetism applied to the optimization of inductors, IEEE Trans. on Magn., 28, #5, p.3330-3332, Sept. 1992.

- JOSSERAND J., MARTY Ph., ALEMANY A., GERBETH G. : MHD flow around a cylinder in an aligned magnetic field, AIAA, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 148, p.519-534, 1993.

- THESS A., GERBETH G., MARTY Ph.: Electromagnetically driven flow around a cylinder, AIAA, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 148, p.535-550, 1993.

- JOSSERAND J., MARTY PH., ALEMANY A.: Pressure and drag measurements on a cylinder in a liquid metal flow with an aligned magnetic field, Fluid Dyn. Research.,11, p.107-117,1993.

- LEBOUCHER L., MARTY Ph., ALEMANY A., MASSE Ph.: Optimisation of LMMHD induction converters: the inverse problem, Magnetohydrodynamics, 29, #4, 1993.

-CONVERT D., MARTY Ph., ALEMANY A., POINSOT S.: Analytical modelling of electromagnetic induction flowmeters, Magnetohydrodynamics, 29, #4, 1993.

- MARTY Ph., AJAKH A., THESS A.: Magnetic fields in fast breeder reactors: new results on thermoelectricity and dynamo effect, Magnetohydrodynamics, 30, #4, p.474-485, 1994.

- GASSER J.C., MARTY Ph.: Liquid sheet modelling in a swirl atomiser, Eur. J. of Mech.,13, #6, 1994.

- GASSER J.C., MARTY Ph.: The electromagnetic swirl atomizer, Magnetohydrodynamics, 30, #3, p. 337-348, 1994.

- PLUNIAN F., ALEMANY A., MARTY Ph.: Influence of Magnetohydrodynamic parameters on electromagnetic self-excitation in the core of a fast breeder reactor, Magnetohydrodynamics, 3, 1995.


- Proceedings of the 1st Int. Conf. on Energy Transfer in MHD Flows, A.Alemany, G.Marbach and Ph.Marty ?editors, Magnetohydrodynamics, Plenum Press, New York, 1991.

-Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Energy Transfer in MHD Flows, A.Alemany, G.Marbach and Ph.Marty editors , Magnetohydrodynamics, Plenum Press, New York, 1994.

"Transfer Phenomena in Magnetohydrodynamic and electroconducting Flows", A.Alemany, Ph.Marty, J.P.Thibault éditeurs, Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht, Pays-Bas, 421 pages, ISBN 0-7923-5532-6, 1999.

"MHD at dawn of the third millenium", A.Alemany, Ph.Marty éditeurs, Energy Conversion and Management, Pergamon, volume 43, n.3, Feb. 2002, ISSN 0196-8904.

« Thermique & Microtechnologie », Ph. Marty, A. Bontemps, S. Leperson, F. Ayela éditeurs, Elsevier, ISBN 2-84299-478-7, 975 pages, Mai 2003.

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