Pierre Augier, Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan,
Arman Khoubani, Pooria Danaeifar
Journées thématiques de la Société Française de Thermique, 3-4 July 2023
Me: CNRS researcher
lab experiments fluidlab |
image processing fluidimage |
simulations fluidsim |
performance transonic |
Fluidsim: user centric CFD framework
internal solvers mostly based on pseudo-spectral methods
: library to build solvers from any methods and codes
For Arman Khoubani’s PhD thesis… 2 new Python packages:
Snek5000 (general framework)
Snek5000-cbox (solver convection in a box)
Collaboration with Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan (Stockholm university)
A new Python package
Improve user experience for all aspects of numerical studies using Nek5000
Good quality software:
tested (coverage > 95%), documented, modular, user centric
A new workflow for Nek5000
Success for our study on instabilities in vertical convection!
Tens of simulations with complex relations
Advanced postprocessing with Python
0 Nek5000 user…
many OpenFOAM users…
So let’s build a Fluidsim framework for OpenFOAM! (Master 2 internship, Pooria Danaeifar)
A (very) new Python package
Improve user experience for all aspects of numerical studies using OpenFOAM
Good quality software:
tested (coverage > 95%), documented, modular, user centric
A new workflow for OpenFOAM
2 CFD open-source community driven frameworks
Great tools
Avoid manual copy and edition of OpenFOAM/Nek5000 input files
Split the workflow in 2 steps
Described sets of potential simulations
Create the directory/files for 1 particular simulation and launch it
Integrated object oriented API (sim
Share and reuse more than just the core CFD codes
The set (and the associated parameters) are described in a small Python package called a “Fluidsim solver”
Warning for Openfoam users
“Fluidsim solver” and “OpenFOAM solvers” are very different things!
1 script with arguments to launch different simulations
Automation of case generation, simulation launching and postprocessing (parametric studies, optimization, …)
Programmatic generation of complex and parametrized input files (for example blockMeshDict
) and initial conditions
Programmatic control of simulations at runtime (example here)
Simple visualisations (figures and movies) with 1 line of Python
Launch a simulation with an existing solver
Reload a sim
object for runtime control / post-processing / plots
Create a new Fluidsimfoam solver from a case
Require Python >=3.9
Clone NEK5000 code and pip install snek5000-cbox
Install OpenFOAM and pip install fluidsimfoam
Run a script (or notebook) with
Content of the script:
from fluidsimfoam_dam import Simul
params = Simul.create_default_params()
params.output.sub_directory = "tuto_fluidsimfoam/dam"
params.control_dict.end_time = 4.0
params.parallel.method = "simple"
params.parallel.nsubdoms = 2
params.parallel.nsubdoms_xyz = [2, 1, 1]
params.constant.transport.water.nu = 0.5e-6
params.block_mesh_dict.height_dam = 0.5
params.block_mesh_dict.width_dam = 0.2
params.block_mesh_dict.nx = 80
params.block_mesh_dict.ny = 80
# creation of the simulation directory
sim = Simul(params)
# run the simulation (i.e. all necessary OpenFOAM commands)
# or for programmatic control of the simulation
# sim.make.exec_async("run")
objectApplications: runtime control / post-processing / plots
In a terminal:
which gives:
Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.14.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
Loading simulation
path_run: /home/users/me/Sim_data/tests_fluidsimfoam/dambreak/dambreak_run_2023-06-08_14-56-26
INFO sim: <class 'fluidsimfoam_dambreak.Simul'>
sim.output.log: <class 'fluidsimfoam.output.log.Log'>
sim.output.fields: <class 'fluidsimfoam.output.fields.Fields'>
- in 0: U alpha_water p_rgh
- in constant: g transportProperties turbulenceProperties
- in system: blockMeshDict controlDict decomposeParDict fvSchemes fvSolution sampling setFieldsDict
sim.output: <class 'fluidsimfoam_dambreak.output.OutputDambreak'>
sim.oper: <class 'fluidsimfoam.operators.Operators'>
sim.init_fields: <class 'fluidsimfoam.init_fields.InitFields'>
sim.make: <class 'fluidsimfoam.make.MakeInvoke'>
`sim`, `params`, `np`, `plt` and `pd` variables are available
In [1]:
objectThen, in IPython shell:
# Change a parameter affecting just one file:
sim.params.control_dict.end_time = 2
# Get the cells coordinates
x, y, z = sim.oper.get_cells_coords()
# Read output fields:
field = sim.output.fields.read_field("U", time_approx="last")
vx, vy, vz = field.get_components()
# Plots
sim.output.plot_coutour("alpha.water", time=0.4)
solver was created?fluidsimfoam-initiate-solver dambreak \
-c $FOAM_TUTORIALS/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/damBreak/damBreak
OpenFOAM users, try it for one of your case!
Errors? Create an issue here: https://foss.heptapod.net/fluiddyn/fluidsimfoam/-/issues
, fluidimage
, fluidlab
, fluidsim
and two promissing kids!
Become community projects?
We need to build a community of users (creating issues and feature requests), contributors and core developers.
If you are interested, do not hesitate to (i) star the projects and (ii) open issues!