temporal spectra: $\omega^{-2}$ between $f$ and $N$
vertical spectra: $N^2 k_z^{-3}$
horizontal spectra: $k_h^{-5/3}$ at quite large scales
Naive representation: soup - cascade of (weakly interacting) IG waves?
More advanced theories based on IG waves (weak wave turbulence, ...)
Validity of the weak wave turbulence solutions?
Not obtained in the lab: neither experimentally nor numerically
Kinematic decomposition:
Equation for $\omega_z$:
$$ D_t \omega_z = \boldsymbol\omega \cdot \boldsymbol\nabla \boldsymbol{v} + \nu \boldsymbol\nabla^2 \omega_z$$$\Rightarrow$ No inviscid linear term
Linear limit: poloidal velocity = internal waves
For oceanic parameters (strongly stratified $F_h\ll 1$, weakly dissipative $\mathcal{R} = Re {F_h}^2 > 10$):
LAST regime: "Layered Anisotropic Stratified Turbulence"
Strongly non-linear
$\omega_z \sim \nabla_h u$
Savaro et al. (2020): Generation of weakly nonlinear turbulence of internal gravity waves in the coriolis facility
$+$ other experiments (presented today by Costaza Roda)
Pseudo-spectral Fourier, periodic over $x$, $y$ and $z$
Navier-Stokes under the Boussinesq approx. Constant $N$
Immersed boundary method to mimic the experimental forcing
$ L = 12\,$m and $H = 2\,$m to force the same modes as in the exp.
Suppress some modes (shear modes and waves at $k_z = 0 \Leftrightarrow \omega=N$)
Experimental parameters ($N$, $\nu$)
quasi-DNS (newtonian $\nu$ + a bit of hyperviscosity $\nu_4$)
Up to $2304\times2304\times384$ grid points
$F = \frac{\omega_f}{N} = 0.73$ and $a = 0.5\,$cm.
Dissipation only at small scales $\Rightarrow$ energy transfers towards "small scales" (warning: anisotropy)
Small vertical length scales
Warning: dissipation at large horizontal scales even for large $Re$
Big vertically superposed horizontal vortices.
Open-source collaborative framework / library for writting solvers
Quality code (continuous integration, proper documentation, issue tracker)
Very user-friendly
Developer friendly: mostly in Python, highly modular (object-oriented Python)
Extensible (for example snek5000)
Specialized in pseudo-spectral (Fourier), but not only
Very efficient
conda create -n env_fluidsim fluidsim "fluidfft[build=mpi*]" "h5py[build=mpi*]" ipython
conda activate env_fluidsim
Experiments extented with idealized numerical simulations
Gravity waves + large vortices ("condensate")
Weakly nonlinear waves only for small $k_z/\delta k_z$
Quite small buoyancy Reynolds number even in the Coriolis platform
Limitations inherent to the experimental setup (small $a$, small $N$)
Experimental forcing non local in $\boldsymbol{k}$-space + very intermittent
Need to force at small $\frac{\omega_f}{N}$ (i.e. $k_{fz} > k_{fh}$) to get $\omega^{-2}$