Pierre Augier$^1$, Jason Reneuve$^1$, Vincent Labarre$^2$
Forced at large $L_h$ and dissipated at small $l$ ($Re \gg 1$)
Very standard
The system "chooses" the dominant vertical length scale (height of the layers)
As in real experiments (wakes of columnar objects, flaps creating dipoles)
$k_z = 0$ and $3 \leq k_h / \delta k_h \leq 4$
such that the energy injection rate is constant (nice but not as in experiments)
LAST ($F_h < 0.02$, $\mathcal{R} > 10$): $Re \gg 1$, difficult numerically and experimentally
Usually for a dataset, $\mathcal{R}$ and $F_h$ are strongly related
More than 40 simulations available as an open dataset!
Pseudo-spectral solver ns3d.strat
of the CFD framework Fluidsim (Navier-Stokes under the Boussinesq approx. with homogeneous and constant $N$)
Time advancement: RK4
Shear modes removed from the dynamics (in Fourier space) for statistically stationnary states
Proper DNS requires huge resolutions.
We use smaller resolutions to reach stationnarity. $\Rightarrow$ need for hyperviscosity (order 4)
Increase resolution (and decrease hyperviscosity) step by step.