Studying mixing efficiency and stratified turbulence with experiments and open-science

$\newcommand{\kk}{\boldsymbol{k}} \newcommand{\eek}{\boldsymbol{e}_\boldsymbol{k}} \newcommand{\eeh}{\boldsymbol{e}_\boldsymbol{h}} \newcommand{\eez}{\boldsymbol{e}_\boldsymbol{z}} \newcommand{\cc}{\boldsymbol{c}} \newcommand{\uu}{\boldsymbol{u}} \newcommand{\vv}{\boldsymbol{v}} \newcommand{\bnabla}{\boldsymbol{\nabla}} \newcommand{\Dt}{\mbox{D}_t} \newcommand{\p}{\partial} \newcommand{\R}{\mathcal{R}} \newcommand{\eps}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\mean}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle} \newcommand{\epsK}{\varepsilon_{\!\scriptscriptstyle K}} \newcommand{\epsA}{\varepsilon_{\!\scriptscriptstyle A}} \newcommand{\epsP}{\varepsilon_{\!\scriptscriptstyle P}} \newcommand{\epsm}{\varepsilon_{\!\scriptscriptstyle m}} \newcommand{\CKA}{C_{K\rightarrow A}} \newcommand{\D}{\mbox{D}}$

  • LEGI group: Pierre Augier, A. Campagne, J. Sommeria, S. Viboud, C. Bonamy, N. Mordant...
  • KTH group (Stockholm, Sweden): E. Lindborg, A. Vishnu, A. Segalini
  • Diane Micard (LMFA)

Seminar LMFA, 08/09/2017

Mixing efficiency and mixing coefficient

$$Ri_f \equiv \frac{\eps_P}{\eps_K + \eps_P} \quad \mbox{ and } \quad \Gamma \equiv \frac{\eps_P}{\eps_K},$$

where $\eps_P$ and $\eps_K$ are the potential and kinetic energy dissipation.

Simple case: mixing a stably stratified fluid by stirring

  • stirring: injection of kinetic energy ($P_K$)

  • conversion from kinetic energy to potential energy (buoyancy flux) $- \mean{b w} = C_{K\rightarrow A} = \eps_P$

  • dissipation of kinetic and potential energy $\eps_K + \eps_P = P_K$

  • energy spent for mixing = dissipation of potential energy

$$ Ri_f \equiv \frac{\eps_P}{\eps_K + \eps_P} = \frac{\mbox{energy spent for mixing}}{\mbox{total injection}}$$

Navier-Stokes equations under Boussinesq approximation

$$\begin{align} \D_t \vv &= -\bnabla p_{tot} + b_{tot} \eez + \mathbf{F} + \nu \bnabla^2 \vv,\\ \D_t b_{tot} &= \kappa \bnabla^2 b_{tot}, \end{align}$$


  • $\bnabla \cdot \vv = 0$,
  • $b_{tot} = -\frac{g}{\rho_0} (\rho_0 + \int_{z_0}^z d_z\bar\rho dz + \rho) = -g + N^2 (z -z_0) + b$,
  • $N^2 = d_z\bar b_{tot}$ the Brunt-Väisälä frequency is constant (linearly stratified)


  • Kinetic energy $\mathcal{E}_K = \mean{\vv^2}/2$
  • Potential energy $\mathcal{E}_P = \mean{\rho g z/ \rho_0} = -\mean{b_{tot} z}$

$$ \mathcal{E}_P = -\frac{(HN)^2}{12} - \mean{b z}. $$

Available Potential Energy (APE)

$$\mathcal{E}_P + \frac{(HN)^2}{12} = \mean{b z}$$

  • Equations for the buoyancy fluctuations $b$

$$\begin{align} \D_t \vv &= -\bnabla p + b\eez + \mathbf{F} + \nu \bnabla^2 \vv \\ \D_t b &= - N^2 w + \kappa \bnabla^2 b \end{align}$$

  • Density of APE $E_A$:

$$\begin{align} d_t E_K &= -\bnabla \cdot (p \vv) - \CKA - \epsK\\ d_t E_A &= \CKA - \epsA \end{align}$$


  • $E_K = \vv^2/2$,
  • $E_A = b^2/(2N^2)$,
  • $\epsK = - \nu \vv \cdot \bnabla^2 \vv$,
  • $\epsA = - \kappa b \cdot \bnabla^2 b$,
  • $\CKA = - b w$

Why is the mixing coefficient $\Gamma$ important?

Ocean models are LES (scale filter $[]$).

  • Approximation of a term similar to a Reynolds stress with a turbulent diffusivity
$$- \bnabla \cdot [\vv b_{tot}] \simeq \kappa_t \bnabla^2 [b_{tot}] $$
  • Approximation of the turbulent diffusivity from a flux law for the buoyancy flux:
$$\mean{w b_{tot}} \simeq - \kappa_t d_z \bar b_{tot} = - \kappa_t N^2 \Rightarrow \kappa_t = \frac{\CKA}{N^2}.$$
  • Approximation of the energy conversion $\CKA$ by a proportionality relation
$$ \CKA = \Gamma \epsK, $$

with $\Gamma = 0.2$ a constant!

But actually $\Gamma$ is not really a constant!

And this has consequences for the large-scale results of the ocean models!

We need better parametrization of the mixing

Stratified flows and their different régimes

Introduction of 2 important non-dimensional numbers

  • horizontal Froude number $F_h$
(quantifying the effects of stratification)

  • buoyancy Reynolds number $\R$
(quantifying the effects of viscosity on the largest scales)

Strongly anisotropic flows

DNS (Goderferd & Staquet, 2003)
$\displaystyle \frac{\p u_x}{dz}$
Seismic reflection (Holbrook & Fer, 2005)
  • low vertical velocity
  • vertical length scale $L_v \ll$ horizontal length scale $L_h$
  • $L_v \sim$ buoyancy length scale $L_b = U/N $, where $U$ is the characteristic horizontal velocity

Influence of the stratification, horizontal Froude number $F_h$

$$F_h = \frac{U}{NL_h} = \frac{L_b}{L_h} < 1$$

Theory of "strongly stratified turbulence"

Linborg (2006)

$C_1 {\eps_K}^{2/3} {k_x}^{-5/3}$
$N^2 {k_z}^{-3}$
Direct energy cascades
($E_K$ and $E_A$)

Different scales:

  • buoyancy length scale $L_b=U/N$

  • Ozmidov length scale $l_o= (\varepsilon_K/N^3)^{1/2}$

    "the largest horizontal scale that can overturn" (Riley & Lindborg, 2008)

  • Kolmogorov length scale $\eta$ (dissipative structures)

Viscous condition $l_o \gg \eta$

buoyancy Reynolds number $$\displaystyle \R = \left( \frac{l_o}{\eta} \right)^{4/3} \sim Re {F_h}^2 \gg 1$$

Order of magnitude of $F_h$ and $Re$

  • In the oceans and the atmosphere, $L_h \gg 1$ so that $F_h \ll 1$ and $\R \gg 1$

  • DNS fine resolution ($\sim 10^3 \times 10^3 \times 10^2$ grid points): $\R \simeq 10$

Brethouwer, Billant, Chomaz & Lindborg (2007)
  • In the laboratory experiments

    In water with stratification with salt $\Rightarrow N \simeq 1$ rad/s and $\nu \simeq 10^{-6}$ m$^2$/s

    • $F_h = \frac{U}{L_hN} \ll 1 \Rightarrow$ slow motion

    • $\R = Re {F_h}^2 \gg 1 \Rightarrow$ need very large $Re$

    Large Reynolds + slow motion $\Rightarrow$ very large apparatus

Flow regimes in stratified fluids in the $[F_h,\ \R]$ parameter space

Scaling laws for the mixing coefficient in the different turbulent régimes

$\R > 10 \Rightarrow$ Turbulent $\Rightarrow$ $\displaystyle \Gamma = \frac{\eps_A}{\eps_K} \sim \left(\frac{b}{NU}\right)^2$
  • Weakly stratified turbulence (passive scalar)
$$\D_t b \sim - N^2 w \Rightarrow b = N^2 L_h \Rightarrow \Gamma \sim {F_h}^{-2}$$
  • Strongly stratified turbulence (double energy cascade) $ \Rightarrow \Gamma \simeq 1 $
Maffioli, Brethouwer & Lindborg (2016)

Methods: experiments in the Coriolis platform

The Coriolis platform
(13 m diameter)
Used by international researchers through European projects (Euhit, Hydralab).

The MILESTONE experiment: stratified and rotating turbulence in the Coriolis platform

 2 sets of experiments

  • Summer 2016 (a collaboration between KTH, Stockholm, Sweden and LEGI): we tried many things.

  • Summer 2017: focused on mixing without rotation

    • larger horizontal cylinders (25 cm and 50 cm diameter)
    • better measurements of the density profiles
    • vertical cylinders (producing waves)
    • alcool to decrease differences in refractive index (actually no alcool!)

Methods: introduction to open-science and open-source

Fluid mechanics uses and progresses with new technologies

  • cars, aircrafts
  • computers

A new technology of today: computers, webs, data

Example: Youtube! Here, video of Despacito seen 3 480 689 020 times!

  • World Wide Web
  • big data (storage, flux)
  • companies (Youtube, Google)
  • algorithms
  • open-source (using in particular Python)

Open-source today

Big changes in how programs are developed:

  • a lot of money (web, big companies as google or facebook and startups)
  • serious, good quality, good coding practices:

    • distributed version control software (Git, Mercurial)
    • forges for collaborative development (github, bitbucket, gitlab)
      • issue tracker
      • continuous integration
    • documentation
    • unittests
    • benchmarking
  • new tools and environments (for example Python)


  • Transparency in scientific methods and results

  • Openness to full scrutiny

  • Ease of reproducibility

  • No more "reinventing the wheel" - particularly in code development

More practical:

  • Doing sciences with open-source methods and tools

  • Share using the web

Remark: different stories and tools for different communities

Fluid mechanics not in advance... Dominance of Fortran and Matlab,

  • good tools for few very specialized purposes
  • but not plugged to the open-source and web dynamics

Python language and its scientific ecosystem for open-science

A well-thought language:

  • dynamic
  • generalist
  • fast prototyping
  • easy to learn and teach
  • multi-platform

Scientific ecosystem: strong dynamics, rich and complicated landscape (many, many projects):

  • rich Python standard library
  • core scientific Python packages (ipython, jupyter, numpy, scipy, matplotlib),
  • many specialized tools (oriented toward methods and goals),
    • performance (cython, pythran, numba, ...)
    • GPU, distributed computing
    • visualisation (see this presentation, for fluid: Paraview, Visit, ...)
    • symbolic math (sympy)
    • scientific file format (h5py, h5netcdf, ...)
    • statistics (statsmodels)
    • automatization, Internet of Things, Microcontrollers
    • image processing (scikit-image)
    • database (SQL, NoSQL, ORM)
    • Geographic Information System (Qgis)
    • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
    • GUI (PyQt, kivy, ...)
    • web framework

  • libraries by and for scientific communities (oriented towards subjects)
    • astropy and sunpy (astronomy, see for example LIGO)
    • biopython (molecular biology)
    • Nipy and Dipy (neurology)
    • obspy (seismology)
    • atmospheric and oceanic sciences (see for example this post)

    • fluid mechanics... only the very beginning of this trend...

Remark on a technological trend: exotic architecture for computers

as Graphics Processing Units...
  • Difficult to use efficiently (very specialized coding)

  • low-level languages versus high-level languages?

Tensorflow (deep learning library by Google)

$\rightarrow$ main APIs in Python

A contribution to open-science: the fluiddyn project

Open-source, documented, tested, continuous integration

  • fluiddyn: base package containing utilities
  • fluidlab: control of laboratory experiments
  • fluidimage: scientific treatments of images (PIV)
  • fluidfft: C++ / Python Fourier transform library (highly distributed, MPI, CPU/GPU, 2D and 3D)
  • fluidsim: pseudo-spectral simulations in 2D and 3D
  • fluidfoam: Python utilities for openfoam
  • fluidcoriolis: running and analyzing experiments in the Coriolis platform

Main developpers:

  • Pierre Augier (LEGI)
  • Cyrille Bonamy (LEGI)
  • Antoine Campagne (LEGI)
  • Ashwin Vishnu (KTH)
  • Julien Salort (ENS Lyon).

Studying mixing efficiency and stratified turbulence with experiments and open-science

The MILESTONE experiment: stratified and rotating turbulence in the Coriolis platform

  • LEGI group: Pierre Augier, A. Campagne, J. Sommeria, S. Viboud, C. Bonamy, N. Mordant...
  • KTH group (Stockholm, Sweden): E. Lindborg, A. Vishnu, A. Segalini
  • Diane Micard (LMFA)

The MILESTONE experiment

Top view (MILESTONE 2016)

A new carriage for the Coriolis plateform!

  • 3 m $\times$ 1 m
  • runs on tracks (13 m long)
  • good control in position ($\Delta x<$ 5 mm) and in speed ($U< 25$ cm/s)

Measurements: PIV and probes (density, temperature)

scanning PIV

fluidlab: control of experiments in fluid mechanics

(in collaboration with Julien Salors, ENS Lyon)

Physical experiments can be seen as the interaction of autonomous physical objects

For the MILESTONE experiments:

  • moving carriage, motor (Modbus TCP), position sensor (quadrature signal)
  • probes attached to a transverses (Modbus TCP)

  • scanning Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV):

    • oscillating mirror driven by an acquisition board
    • cameras triggered by a signal produced by an acquisition board

Issue: control with computers the interaction and synchronization of the objects

(in collaboration with Julien Salors, ENS Lyon)

Physical experiments can be seen as the interaction of autonomous physical objects

  • Object-oriented programming
  • Very easy to write instrument drivers
  • Automatic documentation for the instrument drivers
  • Simple servers with the Python package rcpy

Example for the carriage


A little bit of Graphical User Interface is easy, fun and useful. We use PyQt.

Remark: reusable code, here, random movement for another experiment.

How to estimate the mixing coefficient?

$$\Gamma = \frac{\eps_P}{\eps_K}$$
  • Kinetic energy dissipation rate $\eps_K$:

    • $\eta$ very small: impossible to measure accuratly the velocity gradients

    • decay of kinetic energy after a stroke. Need many vector fields $\Rightarrow$ scanned horizontal PIV

  • APE dissipation rate $\eps_P$:

    • $\kappa$ smaller than $\nu$!

    • APE decay after one stroke...

    • long-term evolution of the stratification after many strokes $\Rightarrow$ density profiles

Processing of experimental data

Very large series of images and probe data $\Rightarrow$ calcul on the LEGI clusters

fluidimage: scientific treatments of images

(in collaboration with Cyrille Bonamy and Antoine Campagne, LEGI)

Many images (~ 20 To of raw data): embarrassingly parallel problem

  • Clusters and PC, with CPU and/or GPU
  • Asynchronous computations
    • topologies of treatments
    • IO and CPU bounded tasks are splitted
    • compatible with big data frameworks as Storm
  • Efficient algorithms and tools for fast computation with Python (Pythran, Theano, Pycuda, ...)

  • Images preprocessing

  • 2D and scanning stereo PIV

  • Utilities to display and analyze the PIV fields

    • Plots of PIV fields (similar to PivMat, a Matlab library by F. Moisy)
    • Calcul of spectra, anisotropic structure functions, characteristic turbulent length scales

Remark: we continue to use UVmat for calibration

Calcul of scanning PIV on the LEGI cluster

Example of scripts to launch a PIV computation:

from fluidimage.topologies.piv import TopologyPIV

params = TopologyPIV.create_default_params()

params.series.path = '../../image_samples/Karman/Images'
params.series.ind_start = 1
params.piv0.shape_crop_im0 = 32
params.multipass.number = 2
params.multipass.use_tps = True
# has to be equal to 'complete' for idempotent jobs
# (on clusters) = 'complete'
params.saving.postfix = 'piv_complete'

topology = TopologyPIV(params, logging_level='info')

Remark: parameters in an instance of fluiddyn.util.paramcontainer.ParamContainer. Much better than in text files or free Python variables!

  • avoid typing errors
  • the user can easily look at the available parameters and their default value
  • documentation for the parameters (for example for the PIV topology)

Calcul of scanning PIV on the LEGI cluster

Remark: launching computations on cluster is highly simplified by using fluiddyn:

from fluiddyn.clusters.legi import Calcul7 as Cluster

cluster = Cluster()

    '', name_run='fluidimage',
    idempotent=True, delay_signal_walltime=300)

Analysis and production of scientific figures

  • For one experiments, a lot of different files for different types of data (txt and hdf5 files)
  • Classes for experiments and types of data (for example probe data or PIV field).
In [7]:
from fluidcoriolis.milestone17 import Experiment as Experiment17
iexp = 21
exp = Experiment17(iexp)
In [8]:
print(f'N = {exp.N} rad/s and Uc = {exp.Uc} m/s')
N = 0.55 rad/s and Uc = 0.12 m/s
In [9]:
print(f'Rc = {exp.Rc:.0f} and Fh = {exp.Fhc:.2f}')
Rc = 11425 and Fh = 0.44
In [10]:
print(f'{exp.nb_periods} periods of {exp.period} s')
3 periods of 125.0 s
In [11]:
print(f'{exp.nb_levels} levels for the scanning PIV')
5 levels for the scanning PIV

Studying and plotting PIV data

In [2]:
from fluidcoriolis.milestone import Experiment
exp = Experiment(73)
In [3]:
cam = 'PCO_top'  # MILESTONE16
# cam = 'Cam_horiz'  # MILESTONE17
pack = exp.get_piv_pack(camera=cam)
In [3]:
piv_fields = pack.get_piv_array_toverT(i_toverT=80)
In [77]:
piv_fields = piv_fields.gaussian_filter(0.5).truncate(2)
In [79]:
piv = pack.get_piv2d(ind_time=10, level=1)
piv = piv.gaussian_filter(0.5).truncate(2)
_ = plt.xlim([-1.7, 0.5])
_ = plt.ylim([-1.3, 1.3])
In [81]:
_ = plt.xlim([-1., -0.])
_ = plt.ylim([-0.5, 0.5])
In [4]:
from fluidcoriolis.milestone.results_energy_budget import ResultEnergyBudgetExp
r = ResultEnergyBudgetExp(73, camera=cam)
iexp = 73; N = 0.8 rad/s; Uc = 16 cm/s
epsK = 5.49e-05 m^2 s^-3
urms = 3.14e-02 m/s
(urms/Uc)^2 = 4e-02 ; epsK/epsc = 3e-03
Fht = 1.0e-01 ; Rt = 1.3e+02
In [5]:
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(12, 5, forward=1)

Fit of energy decay

$[F_h, \R]$ diagram from fit of kinetic energy decay

MlLESTONE campaigns in the $[F_h,\ \R]$ parameter space

Density profiles

In [20]:
from fluidcoriolis.milestone17.time_signals import SignalsExperiment
signals = SignalsExperiment(iexp)
In [21]:
In [22]:
In [23]:
probe = signals.probes_profiles[0]
In [24]:
signals.plot_profiles_probe_averaged(corrected=1, sort=1, extend=1, len_extend=0.005)
In [25]:
Mass conservation check:
max(m/m0 - 1) = 1.6755e-04
non-dimensional mixing: 0.001983362753471777

Dimensionless potential energy dissipation

$$ \frac{\eps_P}{(3\times10^{-3} U_c^3/D_c)}$$

Conclusions on mixing by stratified turbulence

  • New experimental setup in the Coriolis platform with many new development and improvements

  • Experimental flow close to the strongly stratified regime!

    We should be able to get strongly stratified turbulence by using alcool

  • Good measurements of the mixing (with MILESTONE17)

    $\Rightarrow$ soon good evaluation of the mixing coefficient

  • Many things to look at in the data (soon open)

Numerical simulations

Easier than experiments! :-)

fluidfft: unified API (C++ / Python) for Fast Fourier Transform libraries

  • highly distributed, MPI,
  • CPU and GPU,
  • 2D and 3D

fluidsim: pseudo-spectral simulations in 2D and 3D

  • highly modular (object oriented solvers)
  • efficient (Cython, Pythran, mpi4py, h5py)
  • inline data processing

Conclusions on open science

  • Science in fluid mechanics with open-source methods and Python

  • Open-data: data in auto-descriptive formats (hdf5, netcdf, ...) + code to use and understand the data

  • Development of open-source, clean, reusable codes (fluiddyn project)
