Open-source programs and methods play an important role in my work. Unfortunately, the community of fluid dynamics uses these tools only marginally. I launched a project called FluidDyn to foster open-source coding and open-science in fluid dynamics research and teaching.
Right now, FluidDyn is mainly a set of Python packages that I used in my research, in particular
- the base package fluiddyn,
- a package to make Python code run very fast (now, using Pythran) transonic,
- a package to do experiments fluidlab,
- a package to do numerical simulations fluidsim,
- a package to compute FFT fluidfft,
- a package to analyze images of fluids fluidimage,
- a package for the Coriolis platform fluidcoriolis.
We try to gather information on how to use computers in the website Fluidhowto.
The main developers of these packages are Cyrille Bonamy, Antoine Campagne, Julien Salort (ENS Lyon), Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan (KTH, Stockholm) and me.
Three companion metapapers on three FluidDyn packages have been accepted in the Journal of Open Research Software (JORS):
- FluidDyn: a python open-source framework for research and teaching in fluid dynamics by simulations, experiments and data processing (pdf)
- FluidFFT: common API (C++ and Python) for Fast Fourier Transform HPC libraries (pdf)
- FluidSim: modular, object-oriented Python package for high-performance CFD simulations (pdf)
The source code of the papers is in this repository.