Links below can be clicked to access the dissertations of former PhD students:
- Amelie Ferran, PhD student, Inertial Particle Dynamics in the Turbulent/Non-Turbulent Interface
- Oliver Tolfts, PhD student, Morphology, statistics, and time dynamics of the liquid jet breakup in coaxial two-fluid atomization
- Olga Stamati, post-doc, 3D tracking of spheres in a turbulent jet using X-ray radiography
- Wei Yu, post-doc, Spray impact on surfaces
External collaborators:
- Massih Amini, LIG, France
- Hugues Bodiguel, LRP, France
- Mathieu Gibert, Institut Néel, France
- Jean-Philippe Matas, LMFA, France
- Alan Burlot, and Raksmy Nop, CEA, France
- Olivier Desjardins, Cornell University, USA
- Rui Ni, John Hopkins University, USA
- Alberto Aliseda, University of Washington, USA
- Alexander Rack, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France
- Elise Lorenceau, LiPhy, France
- Guillaume Chambon, INRAE, France
- Sabine Rolland du Roscoat, 3SR, France
- Antoine Naillon, 3SR, France
- Laurent Oxarango, IGE, France
Dissertations from PhD students of collaborators that interacted with the team: