Nathanaël Machicoane

Research and teaching activities


Teaching activities

Turbulent Two-phase Flows

Teaching of Turbulent Two-phase Flows at University Grenoble Alpes (1st semester).
Master students. Theoretical lectures on surface tension effects, interfacial instability, deformation/fragmentation, motion of particles and bubble in flows, combined with bibliography projects. The projects are evaluated throughout the course with a presentation of the articles reviewed by the students, as well as through a following discussions/questions session between the students presenting their peers and the teacher. The theoretical concepts are evaluated through a final exam and a final exam.

Build Your Experiment

Supervision of capstone projects Build Your Experiment at University Grenoble Alpes (1st and 2nd semester).
Master students. Extrem Physics Graduate School. Students are invited to build an experiment that demonstrates a physical phenomenon among several proposed open-ended subjects. They spent the first semester conducting a theoretical and numerical study to design the experiment, while the second semester is devoted to building the experiment, gathering data, and interpreting the physical phenomena. They are evaluated on a technical note, a final report, and a presentation targetting master students in the first part, and in the form of educational outreach for the second part.

Educational Matlab codes

  1. Streamfunction, streamlines and vector field: example of a stagnation point [code]
  2. Writing of a video of a time-dependent sin flow with the pressure map extracted using Bernouilli's equation [code]

Past teaching activities

Fluid Dynamic and Turbulence

Teaching of Fluid Dynamic and Turbulence at University Grenoble Alpes (1st semester).
Master students. Theoretical lectures combined with a experimental and computer labs. I developed, coordinated and taught the course. The theoretical concepts were evaluated through a mid-term exam and a final exam. The data collected in the lab was anlyzed using Python and the avualuation was done through a sceintifc report of the findings.

Advanced Fluid Mechanics

Teaching of ME 431/538 Advanced Fluid Mechanics at University of Washington (Fall quarter).
Senior Batchelor students (elective) and Master/Ph.D. students. Theoretical lectures combined with a numerical final project on StarCCM+. I developed, coordinated and taught the course and provided a structure and guidance for the project. The theoretical concepts were evaluated through homework problems and a mid-term exam. Syllabus

Experimental project

Supervision of optics and electronics experimental projects at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (148 h).
Last Year of Bachelor students have three 4 hours sessions to understand and characterize a given problem, in groups of 2 or 3. For instance, optics projects are holography, Zeeman effect, Fourier transform spectroscopy, Brownian motion studied with a microscope, speckle; electronics projects are amplifications, oscillators, temperature control and phase locking loop. The aim is to teach experimental techniques and methods, scientific instruments knowledge. The projects are conducted as if they were research projects, where autonomy, initiative and effective teamwork are greatly appreciated.

Physics practical

Supervision of optics and electronics practical at Chimie Physique Electronique, Lyon (91 h).
First year of Bachelor students work in pair on an experimental problem directly inspired by their Physics lessons. The aim is to measure quantities and compare with theoretical laws, learn about error bars and get a first-hand on basics physics instruments.

Fluid mechanics practical

Supervision of fluid mechanics practical at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (3rd-year Bachelor students:16 h and first-year Master students: 48 h).
The students work in pair on an experimental fluid mechanics problem. The focus is on the comparison between theoretical notions and concrete measurements and data.

Thermal science tutorial

Supervision of thermal science tutorials at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (14 h).
Tutoring of a class of second year of Bachelor students working alone on thermal science problems. The aim is to illustrate the notions seen in lectures on concrete examples.

Shape of air bubbles of various size in water

Velocity and pressure fields with streamlines for a stagnation point flow

Pitot tube principle

Turbulent jet
