Nathanaël Machicoane

Research and teaching activities


Research data and algorithms

Open-source canonical coaxial two-fluid atomizer

Contact Nathanael Machicoane ( to have acess to the open-source atomizer files.
Zip archive (password protected) with the nozzle design and machining procedure.

Trajectories of a dense collection of heavy spheres suspended in a tubulent jet

This database report 3d trajectories of heavy spheres suspended in a turbulent upward jet. A cylindrical tank is filled with water and the jet nozzle is placed on its axis on the bottom wall, and a constant flowrate (Q) of water is fed through the nozzle. Conditions at 1700 and 2200 mL/min are considered, and the number of spheres is varied between 1 and 12 (Nsphere). The spheres are glass and are detected using X-ray radiography at 60Hz. The 4d kinematics are obtained with this setup using radioSphere (E. Ando et al., Measurement Science and Technology, 32(9), 095405, 2021). Open data available here:

Methods and data described in the following publication:
O. Stamati, B. Marks, E. Ando, S. Roux, N. Machicoane, X-ray radiography 4D particle tracking of heavy spheres suspended in a turbulent jet, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 162, 104406, 2023. [link] [pdf]

Model-free multi-camera spatial calibration method

Matlab version on ENS Lyon - Physics Lab's PTV Github:

Python version on Dan Ruth's Github (developped during his PhD at Luc Deike's lab, Princeton University):

Algorithm described in the following publication:
N. Machicoane, A. Aliseda, R. Volk, M. Bourgoin, A simplified and versatile calibration method for multi-camera optical systems in 3D Particle Imaging, Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 035112, 2019. [link] [pdf]

Other open-source methods for fluid mechanics

Codes are available upon request for the following approaches:

  • 3D particle tracking adapted for inhomegenous trubulent flows:
    A. Clark, N. Machicoane, A. Aliseda, A quantitative study of track initialization of the 4-frame Best Estimate algorithm for 3D Lagrangian particle tracking, Measurement Science and Technology 30(4), 045302 (2019). [link] [pdf]

  • 2-camera 3D particle tracking using collimated light:
    P. Huck, N. Machicoane, R. Volk, A Cost-efficient Shadow Particle Tracking Velocimetry Setup Suitable for Tracking Small Objects in a Large Volume, Procedia IUTAM 20, 175-182 (2017, invited article for the International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2016). [link] [pdf]

  • Noise-free Eulerian structure functions:
    N. Machicoane, M. López-Caballero, M. Bourgoin, A. Aliseda, R. Volk, A multi-time-step noise reduction method for measuring velocity statistics from particle tracking velocimetry, Measurement Science and Technology 28(10), 107002 (2017). [link] [pdf]

  • Noise-free Lagrangian auto-correlation functions:
    N. Machicoane, P. Huck, R. Volk. Estimating two-point statistics from derivatives of a signal containing noise: Application to auto-correlation functions of turbulent Lagrangian tracks, Review of Scientific Intruments 88, 065113 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.4986467. [link] [pdf]