I am a CNRS researcher at LEGI (Laboratoire des Ecoulements Geophysiques et Industriels, UMR 5519).

My main research interests concern fluid dynamics and turbulence, mainly applied to geophysical flows. In my work, a combination of lab experiments, numerical calculations, theoratical derivations and data analysis are used in order to investigate instabilities and turbulence in stratified and rotating fluids.

zigzag instability in le Louvre?

News and posts

Sondage Python au LEGI 2017

Nous organisons avec des collègues de l'UGA une formation débutants et intermédiaires à Python. Dans ce cadre, j'ai fait un …

Proposition de stage FluidImage

Cyrille Bonamy (ingénieur calcul scientifique au LEGI) et moi proposons un stage sur un projet sympa :

Développement d’une boite …

Leverhulme workshop in Oxford

I attended the Leverhulme workshop in Oxford on Waves and Turbulence in Rotating, Stratified and Electrically Conducting Fluids (organized by …

How to: Make publication figures

I organized a discussion between colleagues on your methods to produce figures for articles and presentations.

Tobit Caudwell presented how …